Regional Service Committee Information

Our Vision

All efforts of the Carolina Regional Services are inspired by the primary purpose of the groups we serve. Upon this common ground we stand committed. Our Vision is that one day:
  • Every addict in the Carolina Region has the chance to experience our message and find the opportunity for a new way of life;
  • NA communities throughout the Carolina Region work together in a spirit of unity and cooperation to carry our message of recovery;
  • Narcotics Anonymous has universal recognition and respect as a viable program of recovery. Our Vision is our touchstone, our reference point. Our Vision insures all that we do to achieve goals. Honesty, trust, and goodwill are the foundation of these ideals. In our service efforts, we rely upon the guidance of a loving Higher Power.

Our Mission

The Carolina Regional Service Committee (CRSC) brings all elements of Carolina Regional Services together to further the common welfare of NA. The CRSC’s Mission is to unify the Carolina Region by:
  • Participants propose and gain Regional consensus on initiatives that further the Carolina Region’s Vision;
  • The CRSC, through an exchange of experience, strength, and hope, collectively express itself on matters affecting NA as a whole;
  • NA groups have a mechanism to guide and direct the activities of the CRSC;
  • Participants ensure that the various elements of the CRSC are ultimately responsible to the groups they serve;
  • Participants are inspired with the joy of selfless service, and the knowledge that all of our efforts make a difference.

Carolina Regional Service Committee

The Carolina Region is composed of Narcotics Anonymous Groups and Areas in South Carolina and North Carolina. The CRSC was created to serve the needs of the Areas within its boundaries. It provides, coordinates, and develops services on behalf of the member Areas. The Carolina Regional Service Committee (CRSC) is composed of the Regional Committee Members (RCM) of the member Areas as well as the elected Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Secretary, Secretary-Alternate, Treasurer, Treasurer-Alternate, standing subcommittee chairpersons, Regional Delegate (RD) and Alternate Delegate (AD).

The purpose of the Administrative Subcommittee is to assist the CRSC in serving the common needs of it’s member Areas. This body is not a standing subcommittee and is directly accountable to the CRSC. The Administrative Subcommittee reports through the CRSC Chairperson. The Chairperson will include any projected expenses in his/her yearly budget.

  • Promote unity by enhancing communications between the CRSC and ASC’s, other RSC’s and NAWS.
  • Meet between each CRSC business meeting on better serving our member Areas.
  • Orientate new RCM/ASR’s to the CRSC business meeting.
  • Assist subcommittee chairpersons in their efforts to complete their responsibilities.
  • Maintain and update the CRSC timeline of events.
  • Maintain the Regional Disaster Recovery Handbook.
  • Maintain the Additional Needs Handbook.
  • Provide a yearly working agenda to the CRSC.
  • Carry out any duties as requested by the CRSC to prepare an agenda and receive and/or review input.

The Carolina Regional Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittee (H&I) serves the needs of all Areas within the Region by conducting activities that promote the growth and strength of all H&I efforts and needs within the Region and the NA Fellowship.

Purpose: To coordinate and participate in new literature development for the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous in the Carolina Region and Worldwide, and to publish our Regional Service Committee (RSC) Newsletter.

To publish the quarterly RSC publication Carolina Freedom Express newsletter. (Please note- production of the CFE has been suspended as Fall 2009)
To serve as a 2-way communication link between our Regional Delegate Team, NA World Services (NAWS) and the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous in the Carolina Region concerning the review and input of all new NA literature, and any revisions of literature for NA.
To evaluate and comment on literature prior to its approval (review and input) by facilitating Regional Workshops and/or training and assisting Area Service Committees (ASCs) to review and give input for new literature.
To assist NAWS/RD Team by developing literature (writing), and developing new projects as needed.
To keep current NAWS literature development process and Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust on file.
To assist ASC literature sub-committees by:
Reinforcing the literature development infrastructure for NA by sharing experience with written and verbal communications.
Facilitating workshops/meetings regarding literature review issues and NAWS projects.
Provide current information about literature projects after each World Service Conference (WSC).

The purpose of the Carolina Regional Finance Subcommittee is to serve and meet the fiscal and oversight needs of the Fellowship in this Region as directed and mandated by the policy of the Carolina Regional Service Committee.

The Finance Subcommittee is made up of a diverse group of NA members whose experience in the Fellowship and in the business community makes for a large pool of information from which the Fellowship in the Carolina Region can draw upon. The Subcommittee is available to members, Groups, and Areas for questions at any time on a wide range of topics and will come to Areas when arranged in advance. Quarterly meetings are held and all NA members are welcome to attend.

The purpose of the Carolina Regional Policy Subcommittee is:

To Compile and maintain the existing policies of the Carolina Regional Service Committee.
Recommend to the CRSC the need for clarification or deletion of existing policies and development of new policies.
Respond to CRSC requests for clarification, deletion, and development of policies.
Serve as a resource to the CRSC and its members in understanding and implementing policies in congruence with the Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

The general purpose of the Carolina Regional Public Relations Subcommittee (PR) is to inform the public, inside and outside the fellowship, that NA exists and offers recovery from addiction. The PR Subcommittee also provides information about how and where to find NA. This is also accomplished through the website. All Public Relations activities will be carried out in accordance with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous.